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Case Studies

Here is some additional information and numbers about our blogger outreach approach. But unfortunately we can not show you URLs of completed articles, websites, or clients. We try to protect all URLs from Google filters and bans.

Smooth link building

Ahrefs backlinks and domains growth
Ahrefs backlinks and domains growth

A smooth growth of backlinks typically refers to a consistent and gradual increase in backlinks over time, rather than a sudden rise or fall. This can be achieved through various tactics, such as creating high-quality content that attracts white hat backlinks, earning editorial backlinks from reputable websites, and building relationships with other sites and bloggers in your industry.

Impressions as a result

Traffic increase in Search Console
Traffic increase in Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that allows website owners to monitor and maintain their website’s presence in Google search results. One of the features of Google Search Console is the ability to track traffic to your website via Google Search. If you notice an increase in traffic via Google Search in Search Console, it can be a sign that your website is performing well in search results and attracting more visitors.

Get traffic and clicks

Ahrefs traffic raises after start
Ahrefs traffic raises after start

Both traffic and backlinks are important for search engine optimization, and they can often work together to improve a website’s visibility and ranking in search results. For example, if a website has a high number of high-quality outreach backlinks, it can rank higher in search results, which can increase traffic. On the other hand, a website with high traffic levels may be more likely to attract natural backlinks from other websites.

Moz & Ahrefs outreach from trusted websites

Ahrefs donors selection from base
Ahrefs donors selection from base

One of the main features of Ahrefs is the ability to analyze the backlink profile of a website. This can help identify the websites that link to a particular website, as well as the anchor text and other details about the links. In addition to analyzing the backlink profile of a specific website, Ahrefs can also be used to compare the backlink profiles of multilingual websites and identify potential link building opportunities. To do this, enter the URLs of the websites you want to reach into the Ahrefs outreach tool and view the results side-by-side.

Start making your blogger outreach better!