This type of guest post is ultimately for those who rely on traffic rather than Ahrefs or Moz ranks. We set basic DR/DA numbers of 25+ and focus on monthly traffic based on Similarweb data. Websites from the categories News & Press or General.
Traffic blogger outreach

Traffic guest post
Increase traffic to a website, not SEO performance. This is for you if live visitors are more important than technical parameters. Choose backlinks for website traffic with DR/DA from small to large, and specify the website category and what content topic high-traffic blogs should place. And we will begin!
Traffic guest posting
Traffic from 10k
$ 125 /article
We will find websites with Traffic from 10k. Numbers may be slightly different on both sides. English language.
- Site selection
- All checks for spam
- Text 500-600 words
- Placement, Report
- DR/DA from 25+
- News or GEN category
- Traffic from 10k
- Language selection
Traffic from 25k
$ 175 /article
We will find websites with Traffic from 25k. Numbers may be slightly different on both sides. English language.
- Site selection
- All checks for spam
- Text 500-600 words
- Placement, Report
- DR/DA from 25+
- News or GEN category
- Traffic from 25k
- Language selection
Traffic from 50k
$ 225 /article
We will find websites with Traffic from 50k. Numbers may be slightly different on both sides. English language.
- Site selection
- All checks for spam
- Text 500-600 words
- Placement, Report
- DR/DA from 25+
- News or GEN category
- Traffic from 50k
- Language selection
Traffic from 75k+
$ 275 /article
We will find websites with Traffic from 75k+. Numbers may be slightly different on both sides. English language.
- Site selection
- All checks for spam
- Text 500-600 words
- Placement, Report
- DR/DA from 25+
- News or GEN category
- Traffic from 75k
- Language selection